10 Facts About Pregnancy: Shocking Realities No One Ever Tells You


A new life starts to form inside the mother during pregnancy, which is a precious period. It is an exciting trip filled with unusual experiences and transformations.

Even if you are just now learning about pregnancy, let’s look at some fun facts about pregnancy that everyone can understand.

surprising facts about pregnancy
surprising facts about pregnancy

10 Facts About Pregnancy

Pregnancy Lasts About 40 Weeks

A typical pregnancy lasts for approximately 40 weeks, or 9 months.

Physicians begin counting the weeks from the mother’s final day of menstruation.

The 40 weeks are separated into three phases, or trimesters, each of which has significant turning points for the mother and child.

Morning Sickness Can Happen Anytime

Morning sickness, which is common in the first few months of pregnancy, affects many pregnant women. In actuality, it can occur at any time of day, hence the term.

Since this emotion normally passes during the second trimester, some women find it difficult to deal with.

The Baby’s Heart Starts Beating Early

It is quite early in pregnancy around 6 weeks for a baby’s heart to start beating.

One of the first organs to pulse is the heart, and with the use of an ultrasound machine, which is a specialized scanning tool, physicians can occasionally observe the heartbeat.

The Placenta Grows Alongside the Baby

Another facts about pregnancy is one unique organ that only develops during pregnancy is the placenta.

Through the umbilical cord, it helps in the delivery of nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the child.

Also it helps in the baby’s bodily waste removal, maintaining their health.

You Can Feel the Baby Move Around 18-25 Weeks

One of the most wonderful parts of pregnancy is feeling the baby move within the womb.

Usually, these motions begin between weeks 18 and 25.

The baby's kicks and rolls seem like tiny flutters at first, but as they become bigger, they get stronger.

Cravings and Aversions Are Common

Many pregnant women get intense desires for certain foods, such as ice cream or pickles.

On the other hand, some women may not enjoy meals that they previously loved, like spicy food or coffee. The body’s hormonal fluctuations are the reason of this.

Your Body Produces More Blood

The mother’s body produces 50% more blood than usual during pregnancy to support the growing baby.

Also, this extra blood helps the mother’s body adjust to all the changes that occur during pregnancy and gets her ready to give birth.

Your Sense of Smell Might Get Stronger

Pregnant women often report that their sense of smell becomes extremely strong. Compared to before, they can smell things far more powerfully.

Certain scents may be pleasing to this increased sense of smell, while others may be overwhelming.

Some Babies Are Born With Hair

A newborn may have all of their hair on their head or none at all. Babies can begin to grow hair as early as 14 weeks while still inside the womb.

Yet each baby's hair growth is unique.
shocking facts about pregnancy

A Woman’s Feet Can Grow During Pregnancy

Pregnancy frequently causes a woman’s feet to enlarge or expand.

This occurs as a result of the body producing the hormone relaxin that helps in releasing the body's ligaments in preparation for childbirth.

Sometimes the feet continue to get a little bigger with these changes being permanent.

Bottom Line

Both the mother and the unborn child undergo many changes during the wonderful journey that is pregnancy.

These details facts about pregnancy provide us with a tiny window into the miracle of creating a new life.

Pregnancy is an exciting time full of surprises and delight, whether you feel the kick of the baby or learn about the amazing ways the body changes.

“Explore groundbreaking research on pregnancy cravings and discover what science reveals about the surprising foods moms-to-be can’t resist!”

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